In a reshaping, marked by geopolitical repositioning against the backdrop of a shaky international order, the “Africa of the 6” is seeking its path. The current renewal of Pan-Africanism, in this crucial period, promises to inject new momentum into its emancipation. In order to support this dynamic, while ensuring a historical continuity to Pan-Africanism to reignite the flame of the movement, Togo, in collaboration with the African Union, is organizing the 9th Pan-African Congress in Lomé from October 29 to November 2, 2024.

Focused on the theme “Renewal of Pan-Africanism and the Role of Africa in the Reform of Multilateral Institutions: Mobilizing Resources and Reinventing Oneself to Act”, this Congress calls on the youth of Africa, African diasporas, and those of African descent to take a leading role in the transformation dynamic. Indeed, as the predominant age group and the first abundant resource, young people represent a transformative force. As the driving force behind and major actors of change, and inevitable decision-makers of tomorrow, they play a central role in the renewal of Pan-Africanism.

The renewal of Pan-Africanism, at the core of the 9th Congress, requires a fresh and renewed vision to meet the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. Young people, with their dynamism, innovation capacity, and forward-looking perspectives, are key players in creating and expressing this vision. Their ability to envision a future in which Africa proudly and actively occupies its place on the world stage makes them a driving force in the renewal process. As key players in the revitalisation of Pan-Africanism, young people in Africa, the African diasporas, and those of African descent will enable the continent to develop its own narratives and confidently march towards a promising and more inclusive future.

To ensure meaningful and high-quality participation of youth in the 9th Pan-African Congress, a writing competition is launched on the sub-theme “Youth of Africa, Diasporas, and the Renewal of Pan-Africanism: Tackling Challenges Together to Build a Common Future.” This competition aims to select the top twenty young participants who will be offered the opportunity to present their ideas and perspectives on Pan-Africanism, the new challenges to address, and the best ways to explore for a better future.

The objective of the competition is therefore to encourage young people to reflect on the challenges they face, both in Africa and the Diasporas, and to propose innovative solutions for building a common future based on the principles of Pan-Africanism. It provides an opportunity for young people to share their perspectives with Pan-African leaders, activists, and committed thinkers.

Main themes of Contributions: 

The various proposals may fall under one of the following headings, without being limited to them, with the aim of stimulating reflection that can lead to new ideas and action-oriented proposals rooted in the present and oriented towards the future:

Science, technology and innovation: In an era dominated by technological progresses and rapid change, young people are at the forefront of innovation. Their expertise in technology usage and in adopting innovative approaches positions them as the architects of a new Pan-Africanism. From digital diplomacy to grassroots initiatives, young people harness the power of innovation to solve contemporary problems and contribute to the development of a resilient, future-oriented Africa.

Youth representation in international forums and Africa’s voice on the world stage: At the heart of the renewal of Pan-Africanism is the struggle for increased representation on the world stage. Increasingly, youth advocate for a seat at the table, recognizing that their perspectives, experiences, and aspirations must be integrated into decision-making processes that shape the continent’s destiny and the world’s future. By actively participating in diplomatic forums, international conferences, and global initiatives, youth amplify Africa’s voice and influence. The experience of the Lome Peace and Security Forum (LPSF) has taught us a great deal in this regard.

Arts, Cultures, and African Renaissance: As custodians of diverse African cultures, young people play a pivotal role in revitalizing African cultures. Through art, music, literature, and various forms of expression, they celebrate the richness of African heritage, fostering a sense of pride and unity. This cultural revitalization becomes a powerful tool for shaping a positive and authentic narrative that transcends borders and serves the cause of Pan-Africanism.

Youth, Commitment, and Pan-Africanism: Pan-Africanism emerged in its early days as a militant movement, a commitment against the oppression of the sons and peoples of Africa and people of African descent, striving for dignity, emancipation, and freedom. This activist dimension remains essential in the current context where Africa is working to take its rightful place for itself on the international stage, and the commitment of young Africans, African diasporas, and communities of African descent is a necessity. The mobilisation and militant commitment of young people around the cause of Pan-Africanism will certainly add value to Africa’s efforts to better position itself in the world.

Building Liberating Bonds, Creating Alliances, and Addressing Common Challenges: Collaboration is vital to the renewal of Pan-Africanism, and young people excel at building intercultural and transcultural alliances. Through international networks, partnerships, and exchanges, they bridge gaps, promoting understanding and cooperation on a global scale. This interconnectedness, especially among youth from Africa, African diasporas, and communities of African descent, becomes a driving force to position Africa as a dynamic and proactive player in the global community.

Africanity, Pan-Africanism, and the Coexistence of Peoples: Africanity is the most fundamental link between the peoples of Africa, communities, and individual people of African descent. It reminds them of their cultural references, their common roots and values, as well as their shared destiny. At the heart of Pan-Africanism, there is a deep sense of Africanity. It is not a closed Africanity, but one that is open to otherness and a receptacle of essential human ethical values necessary for peaceful coexistence among the peoples of the world. The renewal of Pan-Africanism itself is underpinned by the awareness of a community facing challenges together in a historical context in which Africa continues to experience a fate that is clearly out of step with developments in the world, characterised by the emergence of new actors.

Number of Young People per Region:

The twenty (20) young people will be selected, taking in consideration the six (6) regions, with a quota reserved for each region: three (03) for Southern Africa; three (03) for Central Africa; three (03) for East Africa; three (03) for West Africa; three (03) for North Africa, and five (05) for young people from communities or people of African descent living outside the continent.

Desired Profile:

  • Be a young African living in Africa, in the diasporas, or be from communities or people of African descent ;
  • Be between 17 and 24 years old ; 
  • Have a genuine interest in Pan-Africanism ; 
  • Be sensitive to the historical, cultural, and human ties between people of African descent and Africa, as well as the African renaissance ;
  • Have a good knowledge of international multilateral institutions ;
  • Have a good command of French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, or any other commonly spoken African language ; 
  • Possess strong synthesis and writing skills.

Submission Guidelines 

  • Contributions in the form of an essays should be between a minimum of 1000 words and a maximum of 1500 words, written in Times New Roman, 12 points, and single-spaced ;
  • Submissions must be sent only in Word format to the following email addresses ; by the deadline indicated below. Any application sent after the deadline will not be considered ;
  • Applications should include a separate sheet (containing the title of the contribution, the candidate’s full name, age, country, email address, telephone/WhatsApp contact), a brief biography (5 lines maximum), a curriculum vitae, and a letter of motivation ; 
  • Contributions can be submitted in English, French, Portuguese or Spanish ; 
  • Submitted texts must be original: they will be evaluated based on originality, clarity of expression, and depth of ideas, views, and perspectives.


Launch of the call for applications: 23 January 2024 

Deadline for receipt of applications: 23 April 2024, at 11:59 PM GMT

Publication of the list of shortlisted candidates: 07 May 2024 

Contact and interview of shortlisted candidates: 14 to 22 May 2024

Publication of the final list of selected young people: 01 June 2024

Participation in the Congress:

The top 20 finally selected young people will have the opportunity to participate in the 9th Pan-African Congress in Lomé, Togo, from 29 October to 02 November 2024. 

The conditions and practical arrangements for participation will be communicated in due course to the selected young people.

© 2024 | 9th Pan-African Congress